#VideoGame #Documentary
Times of crisis demand alternative modes of articulation. These alternative modes of articulation, in turn, seek different environments in which to be materialized and explored.
This semester’s Virtual Reality Seminar unfolds within the shifting terrain of crisis. What is a crisis? On what scale—personal, societal, or planetary—do we conceive of and navigate crises? And how do we intellectually and sensually respond to them within its currents?
The act of artistic documentation has always been a vital gesture of sense-making in times fractured by uncertainty. As a self-reflexive practice, it has the capacity to unveil distinct perspectives, offering new ways of seeing and imagining alternative worlds. On this terrain, the subjective converges with the objective, the factual intertwines with the fictional, and the particular resonates with the universal, forming a realm where meaning is both negotiated and reassessed.
With this in mind, our focus will be directed toward the creation of a spatial journal —a documentary strategy that both captures and critically reflects on the development of your primary design studio project*. This spatial journal will manifest as an interactive, playable video game or walking simulator. It may be helpful to think of it as a video-game-inspired equivalent to your project’s Miro board or as a walkable, playable reinterpretation of your studio sketchbook.
In this sense, the spatial journal operates both as a personal reflection on your design process—capturing the uncertainties, crises, and decisions that arise along the way—and as a lens through which to explore your engagement with the year’s central theme of crisis. Rather than serving as a map toward resolution, it becomes a map of passage—a medium for holding space for the unresolved, enabling you to navigate, and quite literally walk through, the questions themselves.
The seminar will take place in both online and offline formats and will comprise a series of tutorials designed to guide students through the process of creating a video game using the Unity Game Engine. Additionally, the seminar will feature roundtable discussions that span the fields of critical media, architecture, and documentary practice.
* This means either your semester Entwurfsprojekt or any other architectural project you currently working on.
Mo 17.03 (9:00 -12:00) vor Ort (Einführung) Di 18.03 (12:00 – 14:30) vor Ort
Mo 31.03 (9:00 -12:00) Online
Mo 07.04 (9:00 -12:00) Online Mo 28.04 (9:00 -12:00) vor Ort Di 29.04 (12:00 – 14:30) vor Ort
Mo 12.05 (9:00 -12:00) Online Mo 26.05 (9:00 -12:00) vor Ort Di 27.05 (12:00 – 14:30) vor Ort
Mo 02.06 (9:00 -12:00) Online Mo 16.06 (9:00 -12:00) vor Ort Di 17.06 (12:00 – 14:30) vor Ort